The Spirit of Faith Newsletter - August 1980 (Print Edition)

Bill Bailey Ministries was the name of Dr. Bill’s ministry before Word of Faith Ministries.

“The Human Spirit”

“And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly; and I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body, be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.” (1 Thess. 5:23) In this verse of scripture Paul says that the whole man is spirit and soul and body. You are made up of three different areas. The spirit of man is what is born again. “That which is born of the flesh is flesh; and that which is born of the Spirit (the Holy Spirit) is spirit (the human spirit).” (John 3:6) The human spirit is what God deals with. (John 4:23, Prob. 20:27)

Some people are known as “soul-winners”. These folks are spreading the Gospel and people are being born again through their instruction. But the term “soul-winner” is a misnomer. As we’ve seen man is born again in the spirit. What then is the soul? The Greek word for “soul” is “psuche“, meaning, “the seat of feelings, desires, affections and aversions, the animal sentient principle only”. In other words, the mind, will and emotions. To say one is a soul-winner is to say that one is a “mind-winner“.

As you can see, we need a clear understanding of the difference between the spirit, the soul and the body. We tend to think of ourselves as bodies (as we look in the mirror) with the ability to think and reason. We think that that is the real “us.” It is not! I think that Brother Kenneth Hagin says it best, “We are a spirit that possesses a soul, or mind, and we live in a body.” If we could begin to see ourselves this way, we could get a much more exacting and fuller understanding of spiritual things. You are not your mind; you are not your body. You, the real you, is a spirit man. You possess a mind. You live in a body.

Think of your body as an astronaut thinks of his space suit. If an astronaut is walking around on a planet where the environment is hostile to him, he must wear his space suit to live there. Your body is your “earth-suit!” You must have it to live here. When you leave your body it will be just a lifeless thing of meat and bones, but you, the real you, the spirit man, will go on to be with the Lord (if you are born again.)

Our whole man is spirit, soul and body! This is what we’ll be talking about this month on the Spirit of Faith Broadcast. I pray that you will listen to every program on this subject! We need a thorough understanding of this subject to understand spiritual things.

Items of Interest in This Issue

Invitation to the first Sunday Service at Word of Faith Fellowship, in Salisbury, NC on June 8, 1980. Guest minister to be Beechard Moorefield. Letters from listeners… List of June Spirit of Faith Broadcast Radio Topics