The Spirit of Faith Newsletter - February 1981 (Print Edition)

Bill Bailey Ministries was the name of Dr. Bill’s ministry before Word of Faith Ministries.

“What is Seed Faith?”

Just what is meant by the term “Seed Faith?” Oral Roberts made it popular some years ago, but many people have misunderstood what it means. First we must understand that, “…Faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God.” (Rom. 10:17) Luke, Chapter 8, verse 11 says that the seed is the Word of God. True Bible faith, then is a result of the seed of the Word being planted in the human heart (or spirit) as Jesus described in the “Parable of the Sower”. How is this Seed planted in the spirit? Well, as we’ve already seen in Romans 10:17, and as Jesus said in Mark 4: 15, it is planted by hearing. Notice how He said it, “…where the Word is sown, but when they have heard… the Word that was sown in their hearts.” I have purposefully left out part of the verse to emphasize these parts. When they heard the Word, it was sown in their hearts.

Why is this so important? Because many Christians are attempting to live by faith without having the Word firmly planted in their spirits! God’s Word is His power! (Rom. 1:16) If you don’t have His Word planted as a seed in your spirit, there is no way you can expect His supernatural power to work for you. In fact, many Christians are constantly frustrated by their experiences. They say, “This faith stuff just doesn’t work for me!” No, this “faith stuff” won’t work for you if you don’t have God’s power at work within you. But, this is not a hopeless, helpless situation. All you need to do is get this power firmly planted in your spirit. How? By hearing, and hearing, and hearing, and hearing THE WORD!

It is a process that takes place over a period of time. Note verse 26, of Mark, Chapter 4. You may have to sleep and rise night and day before the seed springs and grows up, you may not even fully understand how this process works. Most farmers don’t fully realize how seeds grow when they plant them either, but they do expect them to grow! Plant God’s Word in your spirit. Listen to good teaching of the Word. The Seed will grow! Then you can put your faith to work by speaking words of faith out of your mouth according to Mark 11:22-25. But don’t expect Mark 11 to work until you put Mark 4 to work!

Items of Interest in This Issue

Radio Coverage Map… Introduction of the (then) new publication “What Does It Mean To Be Born Again?”